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Working with Wildlife

I have had the good fortune to work as a volunteer with WILDNorth Wildlife Rescue here in Edmonton since 2020. Through this remarkable organization, I have had the opportunity to begin climbing a colossal learning curve...

I have been passionate about animal rights and animal welfare for many, many years. Doing this work gives me, and volunteers like me, the chance to actually get in there and provide active help, even if that help is as simple as cleaning out an enclosure, or chopping up lettuce to feed an injured duck. It also continues to teach me, every day, about the needs and natures of these many species with whom we share the planet.
This, I think, is the most important thing. Most of the wildlife that ends up in care is there due to human/animal conflict. Animals are hit by cars, shot with pellet guns, attacked by domestic cats or dogs. Birds fly into tailings ponds, or plate glass windows, or get caught in glue traps. Nests are destroyed by construction. And so on and so forth.
The more that we know about our local wildlife, the better we can understand how to live alongside them, and become good neighbours, for their sake and ours.

If you wish to learn more about WILDNorth, or make a donation to help support the ongoing care of many orphaned or injured animals, please visit their website.

©2020 by Belinda Cornish. Proudly created with

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